15 Jan 2007

Adobe Flex 2

For some time now I've followed, with trepidation, the increasing hype around the Adobe Flex 2 framework and how it's going to save the unwashed masses from themselves while using the Web 2.0 (The Internet)

Adobe Flex 2 is at the forefront of building and producing Rich Internet Applications (RIA's) which bring desktop application capabilities to Internet browsers such as FireFox and Internet Explorer.

With a recent release to Flex 2.01, I find myself slowly gravitating towards a "hype" based mindset. Having had a dig under the hood, I have to admit, I'm impressed with what I've found. Coming from a PHP programming background normally I would baulk at relinquishing control to a glorified browser plug-in, but this time I'd be wrong. Adobe have done an excellent job of listening to it's user base and producing a product that may indeed just revolutionise the web applications as we know them.

With this in mind, I've committed myself to to bending my head around the Adobe Flex 2 framework and Actionscript 3 with it's newly structured Object Orientated slant. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A web hosting is the company that is responsible for displaying your website on the world wide web for everyone to see. They’re basically selling you space for your site to be displayed along with many other options. They usually will provide you with email accounts for your site, website statistics, a basic website builder program, customer support and many other tools.